nanabi no kitsune

music for each moment

I’ll be releasing titles regularly on various streaming platforms. I want to explore electronic and vocal music.

I released a first kind of “emo-electro” album on most platforms.
A second one is currently slowly coming out.
I will continue exploring styles I find can convey a raw emotional message.

Visit my SoundCloud page to listen to the most recent releases, or go to your favorite streaming platform (Tidal, Spotify, YouTube…) for all “official” Singles, EPs and LPs. And if you like what you hear, you can buy it on Bandcamp. All support is appreciated!

  • aboutseven_equinox

    At equinox, night is as long as day. Suspended moment of cosmic balance.

    Listen to my impression of it on SoundCloud.

    Picture by Emmanuel Donnet – Cane Malu beach in Sardegna

  • six_bloodmoon

    The moon exudes a kind of intriguing beauty when it looks so big and crimson.

    Listen to this atmosphere in my latest track.

    Picture by Maïlis Donnet <3

  • five_risingsun

    Latest track now available on SoundCloud! Winter is here, but the sun is slowly returning.

    Picture by Maïlis Donnet. <3

  • so many platforms!

    I’m trying to find my way in the jungle of digital distribution and promotion platforms. I recently discovered Patreon and ReverbNation. All artists and sites screaming, roaring, chirping… I may say I’m definitely lost… and trying not to scream.

    In a way, it’s a good training in “letting go” and “being confident”. 🙏

  • bandcamp: support creation

    If you like what you hear and want to support my work, listen to the music or, even better, buy it on Bandcamp!

    No merch yet, but I’m considering it. Share your wishes via FB or Insta!

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